Martingale Difference Sequence
# Definition
Let $(d_{j})$ be a Discrete-Time Process adapted to Filtration $(\mathcal{B}_{j})$ with State Space $\mathbb{R}$. Then, it is a Martingale Difference Sequence if
- $d_{j} \in L^{1}$ $\forall j \in \mathbb{N}$
- $\mathbb{E}(d_{j+1} | \mathcal{B}_{j}) = 0$ $\forall j \in \mathbb{N}$
# Properties
- A Discrete-Time Process is a Difference Sequence iff it is the difference of Martingale increments
- (1) in other words: Accumulation of Martingale Difference Sequence is a Martingale