Stopping Time
# Definition
Suppose ${\mathcal{B}{n} : n \in \mathbb{N} }$ is a Discrete-Time Filtration on $\Omega$. Then a Function $\nu : \Omega \to \bar{\mathbb{N}}$ is a Stopping Time if $$[\nu = n] \in \mathcal{B}{n}, \forall n \in \mathbb{N}$$
# Remarks
- Strategy Corresponding to a Stopping Time
- $\nu$ can be $\infty$. In that case, $\nu$ represents the case that we never stop.
- Equivalent Conditions for being a Stopping Time
- Stopping Times are Measureable with respect to the Borel Sigma Algebra on the Order Topology of the Extended Naturals
# Deciding not to stop
Observe that $$[\nu = \infty] = \bigcap\limits_{n \in \mathbb{N}} [\nu \neq n]^{C} = \left(\bigcup\limits_{n \in \mathbb{N}} [\nu = n]\right)^{C} \in \mathcal{B}\infty$$ since $[\nu = n] \in \mathcal{B}{n} \subset \mathcal{B}_\infty$ $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$. Thus, our defining property can be extended to $\bar{\mathbb{N}}$.
# Properties
- Constant Function is a Stopping Time
- Equivalent Conditions for being a Stopping Time
- Extrema of Stopping Times are Stopping Times
- Limits of Monotone Sequences of Stopping Times are Stopping Times
- Sums of Stopping Times are Stopping Times
# Definition 2
TODO - this could probably be reworked for general Stopping Times by allowing the image of the stopping time to be a Total Ordering, then applying Compactification on the Order Topology. For now, I’ll leave as a discrete construct. If need be, I can change the name of this to “Discrete Stopping Time” then rewire the dependent pages.